Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Created by Onyx Path - Trinity Continuum: Adventure
Help us to create a traditionally printed version of Trinity Continuum: Adventure! and get it into stores!
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Final Week Review - Add On Rewards
almost 4 years ago
– Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 01:07:21 PM
Hello Continuum Community,
We're in the final week countdown for TrinityContinuum: Adventure! on Kickstarter - it ends on Thursday, April22nd at 2:00 PM EDT - there's still time to recruit additional members to our adventurer's club, but we're definitely getting closer to the finish line. With that in mind, I wanted to touch on some of the basics over the next 5 days to make sure that everyone has all of the information they need to support the project in the way that works best for them.
Apr 20 - Trinity Continuum: Adventure! draft manuscript Part 5
Apr 21 - Stretch Goal review
Apr 22 - Checklist and Next Steps
Whether you're just starting to explore a lost temple deep within a frozen continent or readying your well-used jump pack to once again thwart a mastermind's evil plan, these are good items to review to make sure that we all end up where we want to be.
(An aside, if you're a new backer, make sure you check out the Final Week resource post. It has links to the manuscript previews, interviews & podcast discussions, and Actual Plays!)
Still so dark in here. I've gotta open the shades!
Today, I am going to talk about ADD ON reward options. On Thursday, before the campaign finishes I will post an update with a Final Checklist & What Comes Next.
First Step: Reward Tier
The absolute best way to ensure that you're getting the primary rewards you want from this kickstarter is to ensure you've selected the appropriate Backer Reward Tier, as detailed in our Reward Tier Update. Selecting the right Reward Tier covers about 85% of the options available to you. If you want a PDF only, make sure you've selected the correct reward. If you want the hardcover version, double-check your reward tier to ensure the proper option is featured. If you're going digital now but want the option of getting a discounted Print-on-Demand copy later, make sure you've got a reward tier that includes it.
Your reward tier options
Once you've completed that important step, you're going to want to look at the Add On rewards for any reward "bits" that don't automatically fall into your reward tier. That takes us to the Add On step.
Step Two: Add-Ons.
Once you've chosen your pledge tier, you've likely already included the main rewards you want. In addition to the rewards offered as part of the Reward Tier configurations, there are a few other possible rewards you may wish to add. All Add-On rewards will be described below.
Each Add On includes an extra amount to add on to your total pledge amount. Remember that your total pledge amount includes all shipping charges and not just your reward tier level.
The Add On option menu appears in the second part of your pledge confirmation. When you decided to back the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! campaign, you first choose a Pledge Reward Tier. Once you've selected that, you can configure your reward with additional options.
You can add or update your Add On choices right up until the campaign ends on April 22nd at 2:00 EST. If you've already pledged, you just have to hit the Manage Your Pledge button on the top of the campaign main page.
Once you've decided to Pledge to the campaign, or to Manage your Pledge if you've already backed, you either Confirm or Change Your Pledge on the first menu.
Pick a Pledge Tier, then Add On Options
First step is choosing your pledge tier. You'll note that shipping costs are included for the Amazing Hardcover Adventurer tier.
Now I am taken to the second part of the Pledge confirmation, where I can further Configure my reward. There are many optional Add Ons, not just those visible here. It pays to scroll down.
If you wanted to add the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook PDF, or the other currently available era settings (Æon or Aberrant), you can select those here.
Once you've selected your Pledge, and then picked any Add On options, you press continue and review one final time before confirming your pledge.
In this example, I've selected the Amazing Hardcover Adventurer as my reward tier, and then added on the Core Rulebook PDF, the Æon PDF, and the Aberrant PDF. Once I click Confirm, my pledge and add ons are set for my pledge.
You should also be aware that any available Add On options will be made available in our BackerKit pledge manager, so if you're unsure about adding on something at this point, you will be able to adjust your pledge in the post-campaign phase. But you must have pledge during the campaign to have access to these Add On options, they will not be available for pre-order backers.
Also, any Add Ons selected in BackerKit don't count towards our Stretch Goal targets, so another thing to be aware of.
In addition to the rewards listed in each Pledge Tier, backers can add extra options via the Add On menu associated with your tier. Digital Rewards can be added to any pledge, while physical rewards can only be added to rewards lists that include the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! hardcover book, and have therefore established shipping parameters.
First up, let's look at the other books in the Trinity Continuum line. As mentioned previously, the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook is the basis for Trinity Continuum: Adventure, and those rules are needed to make full use of the systems contained in our book. If you don't already have the Core Rulebook, you can add it on during your pledge.
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook PDF(+$10) - the core rules for the Trinity Continuum provide the foundation for Æon, Aberrant, and Adventure! The world is fraught with dangers, from the products of mad science and corporate greed to the perils of lost civilizations. Fortunately, as many of the Talented will tell you, danger is their middle name, and the Æon Society is here to help them put things to right. The only constant in the world is change, and that’s where you come in.
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant(+$20) - In the early years of the 21st century, the Galatea space station unexpectedly exploded. People across the globe began manifesting the ability to control quantum forces. The media dubs them novas, the superheroes for a new age. Of course, heroism isn’t for everyone. What would you do with the power of a god?
Trinity Continuum: Æon PDF(+$15) - In the first years of the 22nd century, humanity is defended by powerful and heroic psions. These psions and the organizations they work for have taken humanity to the stars, made contact with alien allies, and helped create powerful new technologies. However hostile aliens and greedy, power-mad humans all remain threats that both psions and other daring humans must face.
Alternate Histories PDF Bundle(+$5) - Includes the original edition of Adventure! from 2001 and D20 Adventure! from 2004. The editions and some of the setting has evolved over the years, but if you're looking for inspiration into some of the alternate paths the continuum could have taken, this is an interesting collection.
All Add On and additional hardcovers can only be added to the Amazing Hardcover Adventurer pledge tier (and has therefore established shipping parameters). The Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook and Trinity Continuum: Æon hardcover are limited stock remaining from previous kickstarter campaigns, so may already be sold out. If you're really interested in a kickstarter hardcover for these books, I suggest managing your pledge as we get near the end to see if any other backers have cancelled these options and made any copies available.
You can also add additional copies of the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! hardcover. As with your pledge, additional shipping charges may be included based on your location. Your rewards will be sent in a single shipment when the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! books are printed and ready to fulfill.
Immortalize Yourself: A few Add On Rewards offer special limited or premium opportunities, including an option to act as a Art Model, as well as a chance to name an NPC included in a supplement. Check each of the Add On Reward descriptions and the FAQs at the bottom of this page for more details. As noted, these options are very limited and will not be listed if already claimed.
About 6 weeks after the campaign has ended, I'll launch our post-campaign Pledge Manager to collect information from all backers and confirm which rewards you'll be receiving. At this point, you'll be able to review your rewards and also also adjust any Add On Options at that point. Once we have everything confirmed, I'll be able to deliver any rewards that are currently available - like the PDF versions of TrinityContinuum Core Rulebook, Trinity Continuum: Æon, Trinity Continuum: Aberrant, and the older editions of Adventure! Backers who have pledged for these options will be sent special redemption links to claim these digital rewards from our partners at Clicking these redemption links will allow you to add these PDF titles to your digital library to download anytime. I'll send an update when all of that is happening, though, so you are aware every step of the way.
So, while it will take some time for TrinityContinuum: Adventure! to move from manuscript form to a final product, you won't be waiting a year for PDFs that already exist. (You'll be waiting about 6-8 weeks or so, just enough time for us to set up the reward infrastructure.)
Physical Books
It's going to take some time to create the final PDF for TrinityContinuum: Adventure! and even longer for the eventual print runs for the hardcover book. When the books are at the printer, I will be in touch with all kickstarter backers and go over lockdown procedures and confirming addresses one final time. But that's a long time away, and we'll cover all of that as we get closer to that part of the process.
Don't fret if you had forgotten to select an Add On by the end of the campaign. These Add Ons will be available to select in our post-campaign Pledge Manager for those who participated in our campaign and have full access to the Pledge Manager. So, if you are undecided at this time, you will be able to hold off until we're closer to the final reward shipment goes out.
Step 1: Pledge Tier
Step 2: Add On Options
Again, your first step should involve your main reward selection, and your Add On Options will build upon that. If you selected the PDF-only tier, you will be presented with PDF options. If you select the hardcover tier, you will be presented with physical reward options. You cannot add on additional hardcover books if the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! hardcover book is not included in your pledge tier reward list.
It probably goes without saying that all funds are expressed in US Dollars, although Kickstarter displays the approximate conversion rate.
It Adds Up!
That should explain the process of Selecting your Reward Tier and Add On options and confirming your TOTAL PLEDGE AMOUNT. Since increasing your pledge amount increases the overall funding level of the project, add-ons can help us achieve our Stretch Goal funding targets, so it benefits us all to suggest that you double-check to make sure you're getting all of the rewards you want.
Additionally, this may go without saying,please review your personal budgetand ensure you've selected the appropriate reward tier and add ons for your current financial situation. Kickstarter will begincharging your payment methodonce the campaign ends, so ensure you've budgeted correctly.
As we move through these final days of the campaign, please ensure you've chosen the correct Reward Tier for the rewards you want. And beyond that - please make sure investigated and selected any add-ons you wish to receive.
On Thursday, just before the campaign ends, I will send an update detailing the steps that occur after the campaign concludes, including notes about our Pledge Manager and the communication plan going forward.
So, just like always: Spread the word! Share your excitement on social media! Tell your friends! We're about to enter the rapid race to the finish line, so let's make sure that none of our friends miss out!
And I'll be back Tuesday with the FINAL manuscript section for TrinityContinuum: Adventure!, making the complete text available for all backers to review before the campaign ends!
Still Stretch Goaling
almost 4 years ago
– Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 04:26:35 AM
Hello Continuum Community,
We're in the final week, and things are heating up as we approach the finish line. Since I posted my Final Week notice last Thursday, we've achieved two more Stretch Goals, bringing our total up to thirteen!!
It was the 13th Stretch Goal of the 13th day of the 13th month. Lousy Smarch weather.
We can't leave it at 13! That seems unlucky, and the Talents of the Trinity Continuum certainly would prefer us to bend the probability more in their favor. Let's go for some more Stretch Goals and make everyone - real and fictional - much happier!
First up, a stepping stone on our way to more content for our Companion. Let's revisit the online assets in a VTT Token pack, this time covering our Stretch Goal projects! And then we'll delve into parallel timelines before one of our teammates goes missing!
At $93,000 in funding – VTT Token Pack 2 – Digital assets will be created to support online play for Trinity Continuum: Adventure!, including characters from the Jumpstart and Thrilling Tales supplemental PDFs. This online asset pack will be added to the rewards list of all backers.
At $95,000 in funding – The Adventure! Addendum – Exploring Alternate Timelines! – Discussion and guidance on the timelines created by Max Mercer each time he tried to change the future and how to play in some of them will be added to the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Companion PDF.
At $100,000 in funding – Thrilling Tales! – A Missing Teammate! – Another scenario will be developed for the Thrilling Tales supplemental PDF, allowing you to play through a chapter from the Tales of the Æon Society audio adventure!
Looking for Stretch Goals
We're in our final days, which means things will continue to rocket forward... but we don't have much time! Let's capitalize as best we can - please continue to spread the word and share this campaign on your social media and in your social circles!
Let's see if we can't hit another Stretch Goal or two before I review our accomplishments on Wednesday!
Heed the Call!
Final Week Review - Reward Tiers
almost 4 years ago
– Sat, Apr 17, 2021 at 11:47:32 PM
Hello Continuum Community,
We're in the final week countdown for TrinityContinuum: Adventure! on Kickstarter - it ends on Thursday, April22nd at 2:00 PM EDT - there's still time to recruit additional members to our adventurer's club, but we're definitely getting closer to the finish line. With that in mind, I wanted to touch on some of the basics over the next 5 days to make sure that everyone has all of the information they need to support the project in the way that works best for them.
Final Week Schedule
Apr 17 - Reward Tier review
Apr 18 - Add On review
Apr 20 - Trinity Continuum: Adventure! draft manuscript Part 5
Apr 21 - Stretch Goal review
Apr 22 - Checklist and Next Steps
Whether you're just starting to explore a lost temple deep within a frozen continent or readying your well-used jump pack to once again thwart a mastermind's evil plan, these are good items to review to make sure that we all end up where we want to be.
(An aside, if you're a new backer, make sure you check out the Final Week resource post. It has links to the manuscript previews, interviews & podcast discussions, and Actual Plays!)
The end was rapidly approaching. But would it be a happy ending, or just another version of to be continued...?
Like it says right at the top of the campaign page, we've come together to help create a fully developed PDF and traditionally printed game book featuring one of the key settings in the flexible Trinity Continuum timeline.
Trinity Continuum: Adventure! is a pulp action game set in an alternate history 1930s putting the players in the shoes of daring adventurers who seek to right wrongs and stop evildoers. In a world altered by strange telluric energy, characters may find themselves transported to places out of time where dinosaurs still roam or stopping an evil genius from blowing up the moon.
Trinity Continuum: Adventure! is the final of the original three settings/games that comprised the original Æon/Trinity Universe. Now the game has been updated with the Storypath system, and expanded to encompass a full/flexible Continuum continuity, where you and your players determine the course of events and how these possible histories and futures play out.
Like all the games within the Trinity Continuum line, Trinity Continuum: Adventure! is built upon the foundation established in the Trinity Continuum Core rulebook and requires that book to make full use of the systems and rules for this game.
Note that the Trinity Continuum Core rulebook is available as an optional Add On to your reward pledge, or available now from I'll be sharing more information about Add On rewards tomorrow.
To borrow an analogy that I've used in past Kickstarter campaigns, this process we're a part of works similar to the "Viewers Like You" support campaign from your local Public Broadcasting Station (for those who get American television channels or watched Sesame Street in the pre-HBO era): There are various levels of support that you can pledge to, and these come with various levels of rewards offered as a thank you. Like getting a tote bag or t-shirt when you give money to public broadcasting to fund them doing their thing, you can get rewards for helping Onyx Path work on this project.
Let's review the Backer Reward Tiers to ensure that you've pledged to a Reward Tier that provides all the rewards you wish to receive.
Your Inspiration: Digital Detective or Hardcover Hero?
The main rewards offered in this campaign is, of course, the main goal of the entire proposition: the TrinityContinuum: Adventure! book. The first decision you need to make in figuring out your reward tier is whether you want to receive the PDF version or if you want the hardcover book.
This is the PDF-only reward tier. So, if you're saving trees or saving shelf space - or avoiding the shipping charges that seem to be ever-increasing - this is the reward tier options that you should begin with. The PDF will be fulfilled by our partners at - when it is ready, you will receive a link to add it to your DTRPG library at no cost and be able to download at your leisure.
This reward tier includes the traditionally-printed hardcover version of this book. That means the books are produced in a larger offset print run at one time, and will have the best production values, from color clarity and appearance to binding and materials. In addition, this option also includes the PDF version, so you will get a digital copy as described above.
And, yeah, there's also the Retail Tier if you're a pre-approved retail backer!
The only Reward Tier that does not include the PDF version of the book is the Sensational Supporter tier. You should select this Reward Tier if you want to support the project and maybe participate in the Pledge Manager but do not currently wish to receive either a PDF or hardcover version of this book.
Choosing your Pledge Tier is the first important step in supporting this project. Before you finally confirm your pledge, you will be able to add on some optional additional rewards. We'll dig into the details of those tomorrow, although we looked at some of them quickly in an earlier post <here>.
PLEDGE MANAGERACCESS - After the campaign is over we'll launch BackerKit, our post-campaign pledge manager, and invite the backers to set up their rewards via survey. This allows you to confirm your pledge and add on anything that you might have missed, as well as possibly increasing your pledged reward tier, should you choose to expand your reward selection. This option will give international backers additional time to investigate shipping options, should they choose, knowing they can confirm a physical reward at a later date. Funding collected in BackerKit after the campaign does not count toward any campaign Stretch Goals, however.
You'll note that two rewards - Access to the Manuscript Previews and Participation in Post-Campaign Pledge Manager - are included in ALL reward tiers. That's just one of the perks of participating in this kickstarter campaign!
MANUSCRIPT PREVIEWS – All Reward Tiers include access to Backers-Only manuscript previews. With the exception of the final chapter and appendix (which will be posted on Tuesday), I have posted the entire manuscripts across multiple sections. You must be a kickstarter backer to access these previews, as the link will remain in a backers-only update post. The manuscript previews may not be available to those who pre-order the book at a later date.
OPTIONAL DISCOUNTED PoD VERSION – For this TrinityContinuum: Adventure! campaign, you will have the option of using’s Print-On-Demand service to purchase a physical, printed copy of the PDF directly from their PoD partners at discounted cost (this cost is not included in your pledge, and you do not need to increase the cost of your pledge to use this option). When the PoD versions are available to order (which maybe some time after the books have gone to print), you will receive links to purchase these versions of the books from You DO NOT need to take advantage of this PoD offer as it does not affect in any way your pledge rewards.
TRINITYCONTINUUM: ADVENTURE! PDF VERSION - The digital version of TrinityContinuum: Adventure!, fulfilled by our partners at Kickstarter backers will receive a redemption links for an early version of this book before it goes on sale to the public. This initial "Backer Version" will be used to get feedback from the fans to make the final version the best that it can be. When it has been updated to the final version, it will automatically be added to your DriveThruRPG library and available for download at your convenience.
TRINITYCONTINUUM: ADVENTURE! HARDCOVER VERSION - The main goal of this campaign is to fund the creation, production, and print run of a beautiful hardcover edition of this book. Note that all Reward Tiers that include the hardcover version also include the PDF version as a bonus. Additional shipping charges are automatically added to your pledge by Kickstarter, based on your delivery location.
Choosing Your Reward Tier
There has been some churn over this past week - a few Reward Tier adjustments and changes by backers, as budgets changed and people have seen the game in play. In these final days it's best to ensure that you've selected the Reward Tier that offers you the options and rewards you want to receive and are ready to lock down. This timing - before the campaign ends - is the absolute most affordable and inclusive these rewards will be, and will save headaches and heartbreaks if fully considered now.
This is just the first step, however, in completing your pledge for this campaign. Additional optional extras can be added to your pledge, rounding our your rewards and increasing the overall funding and maybe getting us closer to a Stretch Goal. As mentioned, I'll delve into the Add On reward options tomorrow.
Pledging to the campaign also opens up the Stretch Goal rewards as thanks for your participation. We'll review our Stretch Goal accomplishments on Wednesday, but it's important to note that backers who wait and Pre-Order Trinity Continuum: Adventure! at a later date will not have any Stretch Goal rewards automatically added to their rewards list. The Stretch Goal rewards will only automatically be added to the rewards for those who participated in this Kickstarter campaign.
So, with all of that said - consider your Reward Tier selection. Are you backing to receive your copy of the PDF or hardcover version of this book?
Make sure your Reward Tier matches what you're looking for - or, at least, covers most of what you're interested in. Tomorrow, we'll cover Add Ons and talk about how to tweak your Reward List to ensure you're getting anything that might be missing from your list.
And, with that, we continue our rip-roaring adventure and exciting final week! Let's lock in our Reward Tiers and keep working towards growing the project so everyone has a chance to join in. DO NOT MISS OUT! And on to our final week and our campaign conclusion!
King of the World IX - A Black Future
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 03:02:07 PM
King of the World, an Æon Society Adventure
Transcribed by Eddy Webb from the journals of Cian Hayden, published posthumously.
IX: A Black Future
CHARLIE LOOKED US OVER as we stepped into the elevator in the Chrysler Building. It was the second time in a row we had come into the building with torn and bloody clothing. It probably wouldn’t be the last time, either. “Morning Miss Hebron,” he said. “All the way to the top?”
“Good morning, Charlie. Yes, please.”
As the elevator rose, Lucy pulled the Black Carbuncle from her pocket and stared at it. Now that I wasn’t being threatened by violence and poison gas, I could see that it seemed to have an inner glow. The facets sparkled and gleamed, each perfectly shaped as if the gem were cut yesterday.
“That’s a real pretty stone, Miss Hebron” Charlie said, twisting the elevator lever.
“Be careful,” I said, tired of being ignored. “Sometimes something beautiful can hide evils.”
He gave a snort, and the doors slid open onto the Æon Society’s study. Lucy gave Charlie a coin as I stepped in and took my previous chair. Once again, the curtains were drawn, but Lucy quickly stepped to them and drew them open.
“You’ve returned,” Max said, lurking near the bookshelves again.
“Do you ever sleep?” I asked, my mouth getting the better of me as the adrenaline jangled inside me after too many closeups with death recently. “I imagine you just standing next to the bookcases with your eyes closed. You’re even wearing the same clothes as last time we saw you.”
For a half-second he looked confused, and then he smiled. “Ah yes, the last time you saw me. I was just about to change when I heard you come in.”
Lucy grabbed a cigarette from the nickel-plated box. I patted my pockets, but in our adventures, I misplaced my matches.
Max pulled a lighter from his pocket and lit the cigarette. “You know, I’ve been meaning to tell you that shouldn’t smoke in here,” he said.
“So you keep telling me,” Lucy said, blowing smoke into the air. “And yet, I keep doing it.”
Max sat down in one of the chairs. “So you have it?” he asked.
“If you mean the Black Carbuncle, I have.” She tossed it casually over to Max, who deftly caught it. He held it up to the light coming in from the windows, and he watched the facets sparkle.
“Beautiful,” he said. “I can’t wait to hear the story.”
“I’ll have Cian type it up for you,” she said with a laugh.
I jumped at this. Sure, I aspired to be a writer someday, and had even started writing some of our adventures down, but I never mentioned it to her. “I’m not your secretary,” I muttered defensively.
Max patted my knee. “Come now. Why, I bet your stories of Lucy’s adventures will delight and entertain people for decades to come, just like my friend Whitley Styles.” He put the jewel in the pocket of his jacket. “But for now, it’s best if this particular story stays quiet.”
Lucy blew out another lungful of smoke. “What is the carbuncle, Max? Really?”
He looked at her carefully. “How much do you know?” he asked.
“Only what you’ve told us,” I said. “Which isn’t much.”
“It’s… complicated. But I think the best way to describe it in a concise and satisfactory way is to consider it a kind of asteroid.”
“Meteorite,” Lucy said automatically.
“I’m sorry?”
“Asteroids are rocks that stay in space. Meteorites are ones that fall from earth. Unless you’ve been to space and haven’t told me, Maxwell, that has to be a meteorite.”
I stared at Lucy. “From space?” I said in shock.
“From very far in space, if I’m not mistaken,” Max said. “This meteorite is like nothing else on the planet. That alone makes it extremely valuable.”
“Carving it into the shape of a jewel helps, of course,” Lucy muttered.
“Of course,” he said. “Beyond that, it is extremely important to key people.”
“Which people?” I asked.
“Let’s leave that be for now, Cian,” Max said, smiling condescendingly at me. “Suffice to say that the future is in safer hands now this is in our possession.”
“As always, Max, you have managed to answer my question without being in any way informative,” Lucy said, grinding her cigarette out in the ashtray.
I sank deeper into the chair, thankful to relax for the first time in what felt like forever. “It’s too bad your Moriarty got away,” I said. “I’m sure we’ll see more out of that lot soon enough.”
“Your Moriarty?” Max said, with a devilish grin.
“Don’t start on that again,” Lucy said with a growl. She opened the box to take another cigarette, looked at it, and put it away again.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
She nodded, and looked at Max. “I just have one question for you.”
“Of course,” Max said, clasping his hands in his lap.
“Does it turn out okay?”
He smiled. “What do you mean?”
“I mean all of this. The Society. You. The mission. Does it all turn out okay?”
“I think you mean will it turn out okay?” I said carefully.
“I know what I said, and I’ll thank you from trying to correct me, Cian.” Lucy’s eyes bored into mine, but then she sighed, and her gaze softened. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped. It’s been a long few days.”
“Indeed. You both should rest. Please feel free to use the headquarters while you collect yourselves.” He stood up, and walked to the elevator doors, pushing the down button. Sensing the conversation was over, we both got up and started to make our way to the door leading to the rest of the headquarters.
“Oh, and Lucy?” Max said over his shoulder. “It’ll all work out in the end. I promise.”
Lucy smiled. “That’s all I wanted to know.”
The End.
almost 4 years ago
– Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 01:09:12 PM
Hello there, Continuum Community!
We're officially in the FINAL WEEK of the kickstarter campaign. Over this final week I'll be sharing a handful of instruction and review-type posts about Reward Tiers & Add-Ons, and What Comes Next, so if you've got any process questions or are wondering about how the kickstarter steps work, I'm hoping to clarify any remaining questions before we finish. Of course, if you're still wondering about something, please ask and I'll help as best I can.
You can read most of the Add On information <in this post> but I'll go over it one more time in this final week.
Ah, I forgot to write this up all noir-ish.
Final Week Schedule
Apr 16 - King of the World IX - Final Chapter
Apr 17 - Reward Tier review
Apr 18 - Add On review
Apr 20 - Trinity Continuum: Adventure! draft manuscript Part 5
Apr 21 - Stretch Goal review
Apr 22 - Checklist and Next Steps
On Monday, I'll try and sneak in a preview before we get to our final Backers Only manuscript section, which contains Chapter 7 and the Appendix for Trinity Continuum: Adventure! That means backers will have the ENTIRE draft manuscript for the book to review prior to the campaign ending on April 22nd.
Also, I'm really hoping we can maybe hit another Stretch Goal (or two?) before we review our accomplishments on April 21st. A handful of really solid days will get us there, and the final week always bring excitement!
The true impetus behind this post, though, is our big push during this final week! Together, we've done the hard work of this campaign - we've come together to fund the development and production of this book - so now it's time to make sure that we're not missing any potential backers.
Be an Adventure Ambassador
I know, this is something I've already said many times (and seem to say during every project!), but for this final week, you are officially a duly-deputized ambassador for this Kickstarter project. It's time to spread the pulp excitement for Adventure! Thrills! Chills! Two-fisted Action! Or something that fits the themes of this book - you get it. Basically, we want to recruit as many interested backers as possible over this final week.
I know I end every update post with "Keep spreading the word! Invite others to join in!" - but what does that mean, and how do you do it?
Easy answer - don't stop talking about TrinityContinuum: Adventure! until 2:01 PM EST next Thursday April 22nd (when the campaign has ended). Yes, family and friends are tired of me talking about it on our weekly Zoom check-in or grocery drop-off, but we'll have a whole new set of topics to discuss in just one week, and they've learned to tolerate me during a kickstarter campaign (at least during the pandemic). But here's the thing - there are others around who haven't heard or don't know about the campaign.
There's punching!
Resources to Share
If you're inviting new backers, or if you are a new backer (hi new backers!), here are a few key resources to be aware of for this campaign.
Backers are able to review the (soon-to-be) complete manuscript for this book before the campaign closes and any pledges are processed. No need to wonder about what those dastardly villains may be up to in their volcanic lair! Know what you're getting into by checking this book out!
Backers also have the link to the Feedback Form, which will help guide the developers and writers through the next stages of editing and development!
And, if you join now, as I've noted, we'll be posting the final chapter of the book next week before we reach the finish line.
Want to get a sense of some pulp genre possibilities in this section of the Trinity Continuum? Listen to the Tales of the Æon Society audio adventure and see how they survive some scary cliffhanger endings!
Or just see the game in action, as the Vorpal Tales crew enter into a pulpy 1930s setting to crack jaws, explore forbidden places, and become gosh darned heroes!
1) Don't forget to share a link to the kickstarter in any discussion you have (where appropriate) - and feel free to pass any of the long list of links above to those who may need more info (or, just point them to this post!)
2) Don't forget to tell us about any post or review or discussion you write! Come to the comments section and let us know so we can all go and contribute! I know I keep saying it, but really - these last days are key. Keep the enthusiasm high (hitting stretch goals certainly makes that easier!) and keep on inviting others to join in, either directly ("Come see...") or just by setting an example of your enthusiasm and interest.
Final Week
We've got one week to go, everyone! Thank you all so much for your support! Together, we're going to help put the "trinity" in Trinity Continuum with this third timeline possibility. Let's finish strong! And let's see if we can't get those one or two more Stretch Goals before we review next Wednesday!