
Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Tabletop Roleplaying Game

Created by Onyx Path - Trinity Continuum: Adventure

Help us to create a traditionally printed version of Trinity Continuum: Adventure! and get it into stores!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

What An Adventure!
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Apr 24, 2021 at 04:07:52 AM

Hello Continuum Community,


We funded the creation of Trinity Continuum: Adventure, the third of the original Æon/Trinity settings, bringing it into the Trinity Continuum!

I've been looking forward to this since the first Trinity Continuum campaign in 2018! It's here, it's happening. Trinity Continuum: Adventure is a go!

There was light at the end of the tunnel, and it wasn't a train this time!

And not just that! What a campaign we've had - unlocking SIXTEEN Sensational Stretch Goals!

These last 24 hours have been dramatic and amazing to say the least! We crossed the $100,000 funding line, which is always amazing and appreciated!


I know I keep harping on this, but I'm so excited to not only help fund this game, but to also see it get support, something the original edition never had. The Trinity Continuum is alive and well!


Thanks to your support, not only have we funded the production and printing of Trinity Continuum: Adventure!, but we've also added a TC: Adventure Jumpstart PDF, a TC: Adventure Thrilling Scenarios PDF, and a TC: Adventure Companion PDF that includes sections on:

  • Building secret lairs, headquarters, and hideouts
  • Guidelines for creating non-human characters
  • Strange and deadly telluric devices
  • Exploring alternate timelines

BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! THANKS TO YOUR SUPPORT, not only have we funded Trinity Continuum: Adventure! plus the TC: Adventure Jumpstart, TC: Adventure Thrilling Scenarios, and TC: Adventure Companion, but we've also unlocked the TC: Adventure Storyguide Reference Screen Add Ons, Backer T-shirt limited offer, Desktop wallpaper, and VTT token sets for campaign backers!

Sixteen Stretch Goals. That's incredible.

SO! Thank you for your support! And I'm so excited to hear where how these adventures will inspire us!


So, thank you to all the backers who supported us and made this happen. And a personal thanks to everyone who participated online, either in the comments section of the kickstarter, and on social media around the web. Thanks to those who have provided valuable feedback after reading the manuscripts, to help with the next stages of editing and development! 

There's obviously a lot going on in the world right now - a lot of new and ongoing challenges to be dealt with - but it's been really great to see the community come together to support this project and turn it into a big success.


So, as noted in today's earlier update, I'll be sending out updates once a month and whenever we've got a new goal, survey, or other item to cover. If you have any questions or need clarification on something related to the kickstarter, feel free to get in touch. I may take a bit to answer as I recover from this past month, but I'll eventually have an answer!


  • Via E-Mail: Onyx.Kickstarter [at]
  • Via Kickstarter: Click Richard Thomas under the "Created By" heading on the main page, and then press the "Contact Me" button - the message will come to me!

For setting stuff and questions about the game itself, it's probably best to visit one of these Onyx Path discussion zones:

So, thanks to everyone for continuing to build this Continuum community and this new portion of the Trinity Continuum timeline!

Now to attend to other business and eventually collapse for a few hours and recover from the awesomeness of the last couple days! High fives in the comment section, and you'll hear from me again next month!



Final Day Review - Stretch Goals
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 07:11:33 AM

Hello Continuum Community,

We're in the final DAY countdown for Trinity Continuum: Adventure! on Kickstarter - it ends tomorrow,  Thursday, April 22nd at 2:00 PM EDT - there's still a few hours left to recruit additional members to our adventurer's club, but the finish line is fast approaching. With that in mind, I wanted to touch on some of the basics over the past week to make sure that everyone has all of the information they need to support the project in the way that works best for them.

Final Week Schedule

Whether you're just starting to explore a lost temple deep within a frozen continent or readying your well-used jump pack to once again thwart a mastermind's evil plan, these are good items to review to make sure that we all end up where we want to be.

(An aside, if you're a new backer, make sure you check out the Complete Manuscript Preview for the book and the the Final Week resource post. It has links to interviews & podcast discussions, and Actual Plays!)

Of course, only at the end, do I see that I mislabeled the final manuscript preview. You know it's number 5! It'll be our secret!

Refresher Course

We've had, and will have, a lot of new backers join in during these last days. I want to take a moment to highlight some key Update posts that new backers may want to check out (and existing backers may want to read as a refresher!).

MANUSCRIPT PREVIEW - As noted, the complete Preview Manuscript is available for you to review prior to the conclusion of the campaign. If you're a backer, you'll have access to this preview manuscript after the campaign. Remember, though, there are still some minor edits, development and proofing that need to be done. But, you can consider this about 94.8% finished. Making the manuscript available for review before the campaign ends ensures that everyone know exactly what our goal is - making this book - and are on board with our aims for this project. Thanks for your support, we're all in this together!

Maybe even more important - it allows you to provide  your feedback at the earliest stage ever! You can use the TC: Adventure! Feedback Form to help Onyx Path while they forge the raw material of the manuscript into an action-packed PDF.

Apr 17 update - REWARD TIERS - your best starting point for figuring out which Backer Reward Level to choose to help support this project.

Your key decision:

  • PDF Only - The Daring Digital Detective Tier is what you're looking for
  • Hardcover + PDF - The Amazing Hardcover Adventurer Tier fits the bill
  • Wait and See? - If you want access to the manuscript previews but don't yet know if you want the PDF or hardcover rewards, the Sensational Supporter tier also grants you access to the Pledge Manager after the campaign so you can upgrade your pledge in the future.

Apr 18 update - ADD ON REWARDS - the important companion piece to the Reward Tiers topic, including information on the second step of pledging, possibly adding on a copy of the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook, the TC: Aberrant or TC: Æon setting books, or even the TC: Adventure Storyguide Screen!

Choose Wisely

Choosing the correct Reward Tier for your desired rewards, and then filling in any "gaps" with add-ons, ensures that you'll be claiming all of your desired rewards as a thank you for supporting this project and bringing this world to life.

Remember, your TOTAL PLEDGE AMOUNT is equal to your REWARD TIER + SHIPPING + ADD ONS. You will also be able to select Add On options in the Pledge Manager after the campaign, but remember that only funds added during the campaign count towards Stretch Goal funding targets.

Also to note, only those who participate during the campaign are able to have Stretch Goal rewards added automatically to their rewards lists. If you're waiting to pre-order at a later time, it's better to pledge to the Sensational Supporter tier now and then simply upgrade your pledge later to include these bonus rewards.

On Thursday, I'll be posting one further "Final Day" update, covering What Happens Next and outlining what to expect once the campaign ends.

But until then, we're going to hopefully smash a final Stretch Goal achievement (or two!) as we race through our final day of the campaign!


Over the course of the campaign, we've achieved 15 Stretch Goals!  We've been doing amazingly well, crushing Stretch Goal targets throughout the entire duration of this campaign, and we're picking up steam again as we rush toward the finish line! And there's a solid chance to make that a sensational 16 (or super 17 even!) before we end...


Thanks to the success of the campaign, we've been able to unlock an Add On opportunities (the action-packed Trinity Continuum: Adventure Storyguide Screen!), some great opportunities to spread some Trinity Continuum love (backer T-shirts, desktop wallpapers), and some digital assets for online play!

These Stretch Goal rewards and opportunities are open to all backers of this project, regardless of which Reward Tier has been selected.

ACHIEVED! – New Add On: Storyguide Reference Screen – A three-panel Storyguide Reference Screen with charts and information for running a Trinity Continuum: Adventure! game will be created and offered as an Add On to the hardcover reward tier only +$20.
ACHIEVED! – Backer T-Shirt! – A Trinity Continuum: Adventure!-themed Kickstarter Backer shirt will be hosted on Onyx Path’s Redbubble store for a limited time. Only backers will be notified when the shirt becomes available for purchase.
ACHIEVED! – Digital Wallpaper – Dress up your monitor with a pulp action scene from Trinity Continuum: Adventure!, which will be added to the rewards list for all backers.
ACHIEVED! – VTT Token Pack – Digital assets will be created to support online play for Trinity Continuum: Adventure!, including key character and antagonist tokens from the book. This online asset pack will be added to the rewards list of all backers.
ACHIEVED! – VTT Token Pack 2 – Digital assets will be created to support online play for Trinity Continuum: Adventure!, including characters from the Jumpstart and Thrilling Tales supplemental PDFs. This online asset pack will be added to the rewards list of all backers.


Here's one of the things I'm most excited about! The original edition of Adventure was released at the end of that game line and only had one book to tell the pulp action tales of the timeline. Thanks to your support, we've added three new supplemental projects to the Trinity Continuum schedule in the Trinity Continuum: Adventure line!

Backers who have pledged to the Daring Digital Detective or Amazing Hardcover Adventurer reward tiers will have these Stretch Goal rewards automatically added to their rewards list.


Jump right into the action with this introductory tool! We built this project in stages, adding Ready-Made Characters to serve as examples, inspiration, or instant playable PCs. Then we took that Ready-Made Character supplement and transformed it further by adding an introductory scenario and basic rules and instructions on how to launch your own pulp story! The Trinity Continuum: Adventure Jumpstart PDF will be added to the rewards list of all backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: Adventure PDF. It will contain:

ACHIEVED! – Heroes for Hire – A trio of ready-to-play characters will be released as a PDF supplement, providing examples and allowing players to jump right into the action! Heroes for Hire will be added to the rewards list of all backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! PDF.
ACHIEVED! – Return of the Heroes for Hire! – A few new heroes will join the roster in the Heroes for Hire PDF supplement.
ACHIEVED! – Trinity Continuum: Adventure Jumpstart! - An introductory scenario, designed to introduce new players to the game, systems, and setting will be created and combined with the Heroes for Hire characters as a supplemental Jumpstart! PDF, which will be added to the rewards list of all backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! PDF.

I'll also add that, thanks to your enthusiastic support so quickly for this campaign, we were able to unlock the Jumpstart reward fast and the creative team has already outlined this book and the first drafts are underway!


Not only did we add a new Trinity Continuum: Adventure Companion PDF to the list of Trinity Continuum: Adventure projects, we ensured it was crammed full of fun bits! Thanks to your support, Onyx Path will be creating and releasing a supplemental Adventure Addendum Companion PDF, which will be added to the rewards list of all backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: Adventure PDF. It will contain:

ACHIEVED! – The Adventure! Addendum – Sensational Hideouts! – A Companion book with expanded rules for creating hideouts and secret lairs, and ideas on how to set up a base of operations will be created and released in a supplemental PDF, which will be added to the rewards list of all backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! PDF.
ACHIEVED! – The Adventure! Addendum – Strange New Life! – Guidelines and rules for creating non-human characters, from intelligent apes to living robots, will be added to the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Companion PDF.
ACHIEVED! - The Adventure! Addendum – Startling Secrets of The Ninth Circle! – A directory for Branch 9's collection of the most dangerous and strange telluric energy weapons will be added to the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Companion PDF.
ACHIEVED! The Adventure! Addendum – Exploring Alternate Timelines! – Discussion and guidance on the timelines created by Max Mercer each time he tried to change the future and how to play in some of them will be added to the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Companion PDF.

Yes! We just added that final section exploring alternate timelines over the past day!


Not only did we add a PFD supplement with Trinity Continuum: Adventure Scenarios to the list of Trinity Continuum: Adventure projects, we ensured it was crammed full of exciting cliffhanger tales! Thanks to your support, Onyx Path will be creating and releasing a supplemental Thrilling Tales PDF, which will be added to the rewards list of all backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: Adventure PDF. It will contain:

ACHIEED! – Thrilling Tales! – Deadly Eclipse! – A pulp-flavored cliffhanger scenario will be developed for Trinity Continuum: Adventure! and released as a supplemental Thrilling Tales PDF, allowing you to play through a chapter from the Tales of the Æon Society audio adventure! This supplement will which will be added to the rewards list of all backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! PDF
ACHIEVED! – Thrilling Tales! – Terror from the Skies! – Another scenario will be developed for the Thrilling Tales supplemental PDF, allowing you to play through a chapter from the Tales of the Æon Society audio adventure!
ACHIEVED! – Thrilling Tales! – An Ominous Voice! – Another scenario will be developed for the Thrilling Tales supplemental PDF, allowing you to play through a chapter from the Tales of the Æon Society audio adventure!

That's an amazing list! Your support and enthusiasm will be keeping the Trinity Continuum team busy for some time!


As we head into our final day, we still have time to land a another one or maybe two Stretch Goal achievements and add even more content  to our list of rewards.

First up, let's add another two-fisted tale to our scenario collection with another escapade inspired by the Tales of the Æon Society audio adventure:

At $100,000 in funding – Thrilling Tales! – A Missing Teammate! – Another scenario will be developed for the Thrilling Tales supplemental PDF, allowing you to play through a chapter from the Tales of the Æon Society audio adventure!

And then we'll head back to our Adventure Addendum companion to add a new section. This one is pretty much a gift for Trinity Continuum: Adventure co-developer and writer Danielle Lauzon. If you've listened to any of the podcasts she's been on, you know she's ready to talk about the fictional science behind telluric energy!

At $105,000 in funding – The Adventure! Addendum – Amazing Advancements with Telluric Energy! – Possible theories and explanations of the pulp science of Telluric Energy will be added to the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Companion PDF.


That's right! You backed this project to help make and publish Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Our primary reward - the big thank you that we'll send out in appreciation for your support - is a PDF and/or  hardcover copy of this book! BUT AS A BONUS, you may also have the TC: Adventure Jumpstart, the TC: Adventure Companion, or the TC: Adventure Scenarios supplements added to your rewards list as an even bigger thank you for our success in this campaign!

More Stretch Goals, Not Much More Time

I know these last numbers may seem daunting, but they wouldn't be STRETCH goals if we didn't have to really STRETCH to reach them! I'm confident that one more is within striking distance. Beyond that will require a hard push, but I have seen wondrous things happen in the final 24 hours of a campaign!

So, as every update concludes: let's keep the enthusiasm rolling! Keep spreading the word and letting others know about this project. They've got this final day to jump in and share the 15 (can we make it 16? 17!! ) Stretch Goals we've achieved!

And every backer who joins in as we approach the end is not only able to enjoy the additional rewards already added by the early fans and backers, but also help reward those early backers by expanding everyone's stretch goal rewards!

Remember, only the funds generated during the Kickstarter campaign go toward achieving these Stretch Goal targets, so the time to act is now! Together, we can bring this game to life and make great things happen!

THIS CAMPAIGN ENDS AT 2:00 PM EST on THURSDAY, April 22nd, 2021!




almost 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 09:25:54 PM

Hello Continuum Community,

Welcome to the final hours of this campaign. What an amazing adventure this project has been! These past 4 weeks have been quite a ride, starting with an amazing first day and continuing that enthusiasm and excitement right up until the end. Our funding amount and backer count climbed through every step of the campaign, which has just been great!

As I prepare to post this, we are just hours from the end of this campaign, and approaching an amazing finish! We've cleared the $100,000 in funding mark, which is just amazing. We've added 3 supplemental projects for this campaign! Outstanding work.

Great job, everyone!

So looking forward to getting some light in here...

 1. Refresher Course 

We've had, and will have, a lot of new backers join in during these last days. I want to take a moment to highlight some key Update posts that new backers may want to check out (and existing backers may want to read as a refresher!).

MANUSCRIPT PREVIEW - As noted, the complete Preview Manuscript is available for you to review prior to the conclusion of the campaign. If you're a backer, you'll have access to this preview manuscript after the campaign. Remember, though, there are still some minor edits, development and proofing that need to be done. But, you can consider this about 94.8% finished. Making the manuscript available for review before the campaign ends ensures that everyone know exactly what our goal is - making this book - and are on board with our aims for this project. Thanks for your support, we're all in this together!

Maybe even more important - it allows you to provide  your feedback at the earliest stage ever! You can use the TC: Adventure! Feedback Form to help Onyx Path while they forge the raw material of the manuscript into an action-packed PDF.

Apr 17 update - REWARD TIERS - your best starting point for figuring out which Backer Reward Level to choose to help support this project.

Your key decision:

  •  PDF Only - The Daring Digital Detective Tier is what you're looking for
  •  Hardcover + PDF - The Amazing Hardcover Adventurer Tier fits the bill
  •  Wait and See? - If you want access to the manuscript previews but don't yet know if you want the PDF or hardcover rewards, the Sensational Supporter tier also grants you access to the Pledge Manager after the campaign so you can upgrade your pledge in the future.

Apr 18 update - ADD ON REWARDS - the important companion piece to the Reward Tiers topic, including information on the second step of pledging, possibly adding on a copy of the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook, the TC: Aberrant or TC: Æon setting books, or even the TC: Adventure Storyguide Screen!

Apr 21 update - STRETCH GOAL REVIEW - and check out all of the above and beyond rewards we're getting thanks to the community!  We’ve already added one more accomplishment since yesterday. Can we add one more before the end?

At $100,000 in funding – Thrilling Tales! – A Missing Teammate! – Another scenario will be developed for the Thrilling Tales supplemental PDF, allowing you to play through a chapter from the Tales of the Æon Society audio adventure!

Shipping is calculated automatically by Kickstarter, based on your location. Remember, Add On rewards are listed in the second stage of your pledge process (before you confirm your pledge), and will also be made available in post-campaign pledge manager sent out in about 6 weeks.

SO: Ensure that you've selected the Reward Tier you want, and select any Add On options you wish to include. AND - make sure that you are comfortable with the Pledge Total amount, in terms of it covering everything you want and its' affordability.

I'm going to speak against my own self interest for a moment, and repeat myself one last time - though 2021 has a potential to be better than last year, the world is still unpredictable and some futures are a little less certain. Ensure that your circumstances enable to afford this pledge at this moment - Kickstarter will begin processing payments after the campaign ends and neither Onyx Path nor I have any involvement in that process. If you are unsure of your financial situation but don't want to miss out, please pledge for a tier you can afford now and know that you will likely be able to upgrade to open pledge levels in our post-campaign Pledge Manager for some time before the book is completed.


Once you're comfortable with your pledge, please ensure that the payment and contact information in your kickstarter account is up to date and correct. Making sure your e-mail is entered correctly and your credit card isn't expired will speed up the next step process. (I have learned from experience!)



First, we celebrate. Kickstarter will send out a "Hooray!" email confirming the campaign ended with final totals. We'll give socially-distanced high fives and virtual fist bumps in the comments section.

Then, the Kickstarter payment process begins. Over the next week, kickstarter will begin charging your payment methods for the total amount you've pledged.

If there is an issue with your payment method (expired credit card or incorrect number or pre-paid Visa awaiting funds, for example), Kickstarter will keep trying to process payment during this time.

Once this step is done, which will likely be the first week of May, Kickstarter will confirm everything with Onyx Path and I can begin to set up the project with BackerKit and link it to the Kickstarter data.

BackerKit is a robust fulfillment integration and pledge management program that will allow us to work with all of the data and distribute the rewards to you. It will take me a few weeks to set the project up. Once I've got it all entered and built, the team from BackerKit will review to ensure I didn't mess anything up too badly, and then I'll make any changes they've suggested and we can move on to the Survey stage.


Once BackerKit says I'm good to go, I will send out a survey to all backers. This is why confirming your e-mail is important!

The BackerKit survey is both a verb and a noun - it will collect data for the analysis of some aspect of a group (enabling Onyx Path to set print runs, prioritize new projects, and fine-tune future kickstarters), as well as providing a general review or summary of the reward tier you've chosen, confirm all of the rewards associated with that reward tier, and confirm your total pledge amount.

I expect Surveys to go out by the end of May 2021

During the Survey period, you can choose to increase your reward tier or add on additional options. If you've gone back to work or found an alternate income source and decide it's time to trade up to the hardcover version of the book or include another add-on, you can do so at this time. Note, you will not be able to reduce your reward tier selection, only increase.

If there was an issue with payment to Kickstarter, you should also be able to address that at this point in the process.

The survey will ask you to confirm your shipping address, even though it'll be some time before we ship out the final product. Do not worry about moving before shipping begins - you will be able to update BackerKit right up until the point that we begin fulfilling the final book. We will send out a notice prior to lock down so you can update any information.

I'll also use the Survey to confirm some details for the premium reward tiers.


This is a long process, but I will send out regular updates (usually at the end of the month) to keep you up to speed on our progress. There will be strings of updates that are just "still working on it," but I will share new artwork or information when I can.

Eventually, we will have a completed PDF of Trinity Continuum: Adventure. We'll take some time to distribute, review, and compile any errata or corrections that need to be made. When we've made any necessary changes, we'll send out updated copies of the PDFs and then begin creating print-ready files for the Print-on-Demand and the hardcover versions.

It's yet another long process ahead, but one that we wouldn't be on if not for your faith and support.




Backers Only - Manuscript Preview #4
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 03:44:32 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Action-Adventure Encounters
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 03:00:58 PM

Hello Continuum Community,

We are in our final week countdown and starting the rush to the finish line! By now, Backers have been able to read about 80% of the current draft manuscript. With one more section coming tomorrow, all backers will be able to read the entire book as it stands now before we complete this campaign on Thursday at 2:00 PM EST. So, if you're curious about Trinity Continuum: Adventure, please join in now and check it out!

I could feel the tick-tick-tick of the countdown clock, beating in my chest like a drum.

The preview coming tomorrow contains Chapter 7 and the Appendix for this book. 

Chapter Seven: Storyguiding provides robust instructions on how to run pulp adventures and games set in our fictional 1930s.

Appendix: Setting Secrets pulls back the curtain on what telluric energy is, the lives of Dr. Primoris, Maxwell Mercer, and Sara Kaur, and gives ideas on how a game of Adventure! might create alternate settings for Aberrant and Æon.

There's a lot of good stuff there, especially a lot of great advice on how to run a pulp action game of TC: Adventure! with the Storypath system. I've got a tiny preview for you today to just give you a taste, but I'm not going to share any of the stuff from the Appendix. That's too much fun to read when you get a chance. Instead, we're going to look at some of the great advice and guidance for Storyguides in this book.

Other Action-Adventure Encounters

It’s easy to fall into the mindset that ferocious, high-flying battles are the only kind of “action” a game like Adventure! can offer. This is far from the case! Pulp genre films, books, and games are full of white-knuckled chases, last-minute scrambles out of a collapsing building, and tense scenes where characters must cross a rickety rope bridge over a bottomless ravine. If it’s pulse-pounding physical action, then it falls under the action-adventure category. Running Adventure! is a perfect time to introduce a chase using the contested complex action rules (Trinity Continuum Core p. 78) to have your players race a tumbling boulder, or to escape an avalanche just in the nick of time.

Using the Environment

No dramatic escape or deadly throwdown takes place in a blank room, devoid of detail. It’s the scenery that adds the perfect finishing touches to an action-adventure scene. Are the characters clashing on a speeding train that rumbles towards its destination with abandon? Have they unearthed ruins of a forgotten society, suddenly coming to life with unusual power as an unknown technological process has begun? Perhaps they’ve found the last piece of an alien puzzle, only to realize it’s caused the collapse of the building around them. Environments provide important context for where and how an action sequence takes place.

Build environments that characters can mechanically engage with by first defining the series of Fields that comprise the location, then define any Field Complications (p. XX) it may have. For example: the mad scientist’s lab is buried deep beneath the desert sands of the American southwest. The hidden entrance concealed under a layer of sand is the first Field, defined by the Extreme Temperature [Heat] and High Winds Field Complications. Then, it opens into a dark and narrow boobytrapped passage, defined by the Dark and Tight Field Complications. Finally, the last Field is the scientist’s lair itself; cramped with scientific materials, overflowing shelves, and volatile chemicals kept in decidedly unsafe containers. It is defined by the Tight, Rubble and Fortified Field Complications. These give the players a sense of space, as well as drama, and provide fodder for their abilities to interact with Fields, Complications, and dramatic editing.

Intrigue Encounters

Besides being a game of bold action, characters in Adventure! use their charms and honeyed words to make deals, get their way, and seduce their choice of partner. Like action-adventure, intrigue scenes in Adventure! should equally drip with intensity. Passions run high, heroes give brave speeches, and characters subtly exchange smoldering looks.

One on One

Characters seek social scenes to make friends, gather information, and find connections. Whether convincing a hardboiled detective to lend her aid to their investigation or asking after the criminal leader’s connections in a smoky bar, one on one interactions form an important part of building social encounters. For the Storyguide, this means coming up with a colorful cast of characters that your players will want to meet and talk with.

Social Gatherings

Characters don’t just interact with each other one on one, sometimes they engage with an entire group. This might be on a personal scale, such as giving a speech to a crowded room, or trying to talk down a gang of toughs a half-dozen strong but it could also be on a greater level, such as giving a rousing speech to inspire the rag-tag cadre of soldiers under your command. Your character might also flit from person to person at an elegant gala. For social groups, treat their Attitude according to the lowest of all characters involved. If the aforementioned character is trying to talk down that gang, and their leader hates her, it’s unlikely she’ll have a lot of sway over his followers without the use of a Gift. The same applies for a speech or presentation. After seeing the results of the player’s roll, the Storyguide might decide that a particular character in the crowd was especially swayed and move on to a one-on-one interaction. This presents an excellent opportunity for the Storyguide to introduce new characters, as well as give social-focused characters a chance to flex their skills.


Sometimes, characters will face the stodgiest social opponent possible: an organization. When dealing with a bureaucracy or society (such as the Seven Brothers or the Contedorri), treat this as an extended social action. Depending on what the character is trying to do, and how enormous and unfeeling the bureaucracy or society is, it may have Scale, and therefore require special Gifts to deal with. A department of scientists or academics can be dealt with on a personal level, but the entire university has Scale against such tactics.

Using the Environment

Environments define the context of social encounters just as much as action-adventure sequences. Whether taking place in a dimly lit cocktail lounge with soft piano music playing in the background or a tense conversation happening in the corner of a secluded office space, the background elements shape social atmosphere. Field Complications typically aren’t applied to social encounters, though they can be. A few examples are given on (p. XX). Otherwise, use Atmosphere to reflect the social environment, but don’t shy away from giving it an equally lush description. Having interesting background elements allows your players to embellish details and use their Inspired ability to Dramatic Edit to make changes appropriate to the scene already set. If the social encounter goes sour, this allows a scene to cleanly transfer into a fight sequence.

Procedural Encounters

The third area of action, procedural, covers the detective story elements of pulp adventures, as well as researching ancient mysteries, scientific exploration, and discovery. A daring archaeologist or too-curious astronomer are equally valid character concepts as the brash adventurer.

A Mystery

A murder most foul has transpired, and a string of bloody clues lead the players’ characters to the culprit! The research librarian stumbles across an ancient tome hidden in the library’s donation bin, and uncovers the secret to a hidden cache of forgotten lore! Mystery can drive procedural play in Adventure! — not just limited to crime-solving. Any sort of unraveling of secrets that can utilize Clue Information (Chapter 5 and Trinity Continuum, p. 83) counts as a mystery. The Storyguide is encouraged to embrace the over-the-top nature of the pulp genre and drape a layer of occult strangeness or super-science weirdness over what would otherwise be an ordinary procedural sequence.


What pulp game of weird tech and strange discovery would be complete without mad scientists in constant pursuit of deeper and greater lore? Characters use the research rules (Trinity Continuum Core, p. 84) for any sort of information gathering. The most direct application of this rule is, of course, researching new technology to utilize in super-science, but characters might also pursue the many other mysteries of the world. Tome in hand, the brave anthropologist jumps aboard the biplane, ready to unravel her greatest discovery yet!

Preparing for the Heist

A group of like-minded scoundrels come together with a plan to steal a priceless artifact. Step one: find a way in. Procedural play can cover the tense elements of heist preparation: finding weak points in a museum’s security, memorizing the rotation of guard shifts, and knowing exactly when the maintenance staff takes the trash out and leaves an entrance wide open. Use the Analysis or Sensing actions to represent these kinds of tasks. Let the environment determine how the characters approach the scene, as well as the consequences for success (and, of course, failure).

Using the Environment

Where the scene takes place builds the framework for what exactly characters can notice, uncover, or learn. A character expects to stumble across a book containing valuable information on the lost city they’re seeking while browsing through the Library of Congress. Depending on the type of procedural encounter, providing a descriptive environment is crucial. Characters pursuing clues in a murder mystery or traversing through a crumbling ruin need to know what is around them in order to make the most use of the Q&A and Player Interpretation Stunts. Similarly, characters casing a joint for a heist need to know what kind of location they’re observing in order to properly describe how they approach their Sensing rolls.

There's a ton of advice and guidance... and setting lore and rules as well... in this final preview section. Like all good cliffhangers, you'll have to tune in tomorrow to see how it comes out!

In the meantime, we're getting closer to another Stretch Goal, and closer to our conclusion. Please continue to spread the word and let's see if we can't get another section added to our Adventure Addendum before the end!

