Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Created by Onyx Path - Trinity Continuum: Adventure
Help us to create a traditionally printed version of Trinity Continuum: Adventure! and get it into stores!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
The Adventure! Creative Team takes a deep dive into the game
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 08:23:03 PM
The tape arrived in the night. A plain envelop, no markings, no hint as to who left it. I figured it was a set up.
I dug out my old reel-to-reel, buried in the closet under an overcoat with a bullet hole. I'm lucky that was the extent of the damage from that night.
It took me a minute to get it going. Technology has never been my strong suit, and I was still punch drunk from the day before. The campaign was moving like a runaway freight train and I was just barely holding on for the ride.
And now this mystery to distract me.
I activated playback and leaned close, hoping to pick up some clues in the background noises. I recognized a few of the voices - it was the group the wrote the manuscript. I'd only seen the first section so far, but I knew that it was dynamite. Perhaps listening in to this recording would tell me even more.
They began talking about the manuscript, all right. It was a deep dive into subjects and sections that I hadn't encountered yet, but I grew even more eager to get my hands on it.
I may not know too much about the manuscript yet, but I knew one thing. This was bait, and I was on the hook.
The Onyx Pathcast!
Check out Episode 148 of the Onyx Pathcast, where hosts Eddy and Dixie talk to TC:A! development duo Ian A.A. Watson and Danielle Lauzon. You can find it <here>. Listen and learn about...
Trinity Continuum: Adventure!
Origin story
Updates to the material
Dixie wants cool powers
Daredevils, Stalwarts, and Mesmerists
Self-contained Trinity games
Inspirations for Adventure!
Weird (and real) science
It was Mercer all along!
Adventure! is Danielle’s favorite
Comparing editions
And we're so close to hitting another Stretch Goal! Let's keep up the good work! Don't forget to share links to this campaign on your social media and in your social circles! Let's go on an adventure together!
Stretch Goal Supplements
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 05:07:17 PM
You'd think with all the pacing back and forth I'd be in better shape, but the only shape I was in was a box, and I was trying to think my way out of it. The pacing was a ruse, trying to convince my brain that I was making progress, even though I was just going around in circles.
I'd laid out three Stretch Goals just the day before, but already found myself up against the wall. We'd been funding fast, and it was time to add more projects to the list. I knew what we wanted, Adventure! had been living rent-free in my head for the past two decades, and I was just as much an eager fan backing the project as I was the hardboiled host responsible for updating the page graphics.
We wanted what the earlier editions of this game never had, and what my well-worn shoes could not offer: support. I'm talking supplements, and not the chewy kind shaped like Flintstones characters. Not this time.
I was looking for a place to start, and that's when it hit me - I'd already started! I could build on the goals we'd already achieved. Create a real starting point, a jumping off place designed to get your adventure up and running in no time.
But I'd need more if I was going to continue down this path. This storypath path. I'd need help, someone by my side. Someone to provide extra insight, spot things that weren't right in front of me, and detail other parts of the setting. A partner or companion to add an extra dimension to my journey.
That wouldn't be enough. This game was set in the Trinity Continuum, so I wanted a third thing, something that would let me post a trinity of Stretch Goals, and maybe buy me some time before I ran right off this cliff. Something that would let me tell stories and have adventures like the one in the audio drama we used at the top of the page to show what this game was about. Something that spoke of adventure and ended with cliffhangers, just like my current situation.
And then it all came together. I may only be a dime store detective and not an inspired hero, but I do have a talent. A talent for trouble.
Well, we're certainly keeping with the Trinity theme, aren't we? Because here we are, still in the very start of the campaign, and we've already unlocked a trinity of Stretch Goals.
Now that the Adventure! Storyguide screen has been unlocked, it's available to add to any hardcover pledge tier for only +$20. You can find it on among the Add On options in the pledge menu. (If you click Manage Your Pledge, you may have to re-pick your current reward tier to get to the secondary Add On menu).
Now that I've scrambled with a Stretch Goal list, let's see what's up next:
At $60,000 in funding – Trinity Continuum: Adventure Jumpstart! - An introductory scenario, designed to introduce new players to the game, systems, and setting will be created and combined with the Heroes for Hire characters as a supplemental Jumpstart! PDF, which will be added to the rewards list of all backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! PDF.
At $65,000 in funding – The Adventure! Addendum – Sensational Hideouts! – A Companion book with expanded rules for creating hideouts and secret lairs, and ideas on how to set up a base of operations will be created and released in a supplemental PDF, which will be added to the rewards list of all backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! PDF.
At $70,000 in funding – Thrilling Tales! – Deadly Eclipse! – A pulp-flavored cliffhanger scenario will be developed for Trinity Continuum: Adventure! and released as a supplemental Thrilling Tales PDF, allowing you to play through a chapter from the Tales of the Æon Society audio adventure! This supplement will which will be added to the rewards list of all backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! PDF will be added to the rewards list of all backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! PDF.
Alright daredevils, let's keep those new targets in sight and see if we can't add a supplement or two to support Trinity Continuum: Adventure!
Backers Only - Manuscript Preview #1
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 01:08:27 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
FUNDED! And now Stretch Goals...
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 11:30:06 AM
It was still in the early part of the campaign and already I was scrambling. These backers were eager – you could even say inspired – and they’d come fast and in numbers when the call went out.
I grabbed my notepad and approached, pencil in hand, making an effort to appear organized. It was all a smokescreen, I was scribbling random words snatched from overheard conversations and my own mumbling.
“A little early, aren’t you gang?” I said, stalling for time, hoping to make them second-guess their position.
They weren’t having it. The numbers were right there, posted plain as day. The project was funded, and the backers were ready to see what more could be accomplished.
“You’re… uh… you’re all heroes here,” I stammered, hoping flattery would distract them while I tried to jumpstart my brain. “Job well done! Let’s celebrate!”
They saw right through my hustle. It was obvious, I was close by not quite on target. In an effort to solve my own riddle, I’d gone from carefree concierge to dime store detective. I was acting more pulp noir than pulp adventure and they had a talent for rattling my cage.
I looked down at my scribbled notes. Random words in terrible handwriting. But some sparks were there, if only I could use them to build a fire.
Screen. Ready. Heroes.
Suddenly, I had it. A couple of Stretch Goals pulled from the usual suspects. And I figured we could hit the second one twice to really make it something, and perhaps buy me a bit more time to get out in front for the next batch.
“Relax, everyone. I’ve got some Stretch Goals for you. Let’s keep up the good work and see if we can’t unlock an opportunity or two here…”
It seems my new hardboiled host persona might work out after all. Maybe I could figure this out in time. Or maybe I’d just try and Keyser Söze my way through the next 4 weeks. I looked back at my notepad, hoping for more answers.
First off, amazing work everyone! You have helped successfully fund the further development and creation of Trinity Continuum: Adventure in hardcover and PDF!
Now, let's see where we go next...
As we increase the overall funding and support for the project, we’re able to add additional resources to the project, expand the rewards listed, and add in new offers and opportunities. Each Stretch Goal will have a target that, once reached, will add a project to the reward list for backers of the relevant Stretch Goal path. Whenever we achieve a stretch goal, the image will be updated to reflect the achievement.
At $45,000 in funding – New Add On: Storyguide Reference Screen – A three-panel Storyguide Reference Screen with charts and information for running a Trinity Continuum: Adventure! game will be created and offered as an Add On to the hardcover reward tier only +$20.
At $50,000 in funding – Heroes for Hire – A trio of ready-to-play characters will be released as a PDF supplement, providing examples and allowing players to jump right into the action! Heroes for Hire will be added to the rewards list of all backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: Adventure! PDF.
At $55,000 in funding – Return of the Heroes for Hire! – A few new heroes will join the roster in the Heroes for Hire PDF supplement.
We're just starting out, and I think we can keep this momentum going through the campaign and introduce a bunch of pulp goodness! I'll get back to my notebook and start cooking up exciting new Stretch Goals for the future!